
Magical Christmas at Vittoria Junior: an overview of the school's activities to celebrate the holidays

Vittoria Junior International School had an unforgettable Christmas, engaging students with a variety of educational and fun activities. From joyous times with Santa Claus to engaging families in creative activities, here is a closer look at all that was organized to make the holiday season special for Vittoria students, their families and school staff. 

Educational Outing in Vittorio Veneto Square: Santa's Truck

Preschool classes had an exciting adventure at the Christmas Village in Turin's Piazza Vittorio, where they had the opportunity to meet Santa Claus himself. The festive atmosphere and twinkling lights made the educational outing a memorable experience, channeling Christmas enthusiasm into the hearts of the young students. 

Classroom Activities with Parents and Students: Christmas Snack

The annual tradition of engaging pupils' families in an open class led to a joyous Christmas celebration. Children delighted guests with Christmas carols in Italian and English, demonstrating their language skills acquired throughout the year. The creation of "Christmas cards" was a special time when parents, grandparents and siblings were involved in making thematic cards, helping to strengthen the sense of community. 

Paideia Foundation - Distribution of Charitable Gifts

The generosity of Victory Junior families emerged during the Christmas season through their participation in the Paideia Foundation's charitable gift distribution. Every panettone, honey pot and mug purchased represented tangible support for children with disabilities and their families, helping to provide hours of therapy, support and recreational moments. A gesture that made Christmas even more meaningful. 

After School Theater Workshop Open Lecture.

Elementary students who participated in the drama workshop gave an engaging performance to their parents, enthusiastically presenting the play "Nutcracker and Mouse King." This open class was followed by a delicious Christmas snack, a perfect way to end a semester full of creativity and engagement. 

Theatrical and Cinematic Performances for All

The magic of theater was further explored through performances such as "Santa's Sleigh and Surf" by the Ambaradan Children's Theater Company and the puppet comedy "Nutcracker and Mouse King" presented by the Alfa Theatre Company Puppet Crickets. During the play, the exchange of greetings was held among parents and teachers with a snack and toast in the gymnasium.

The Christmas Film for the entire Secondary

The school offered middle school students a morning at the movies on Friday, Dec. 22, with a screening of the film "The 5 Legends" in its original language at Turin's Central Cinema, a compelling movie experience to celebrate the magic of Christmas together. 

In conclusion, at Vittoria Junior we fully embraced the Christmas spirit, creating lasting memories for students and fostering a sense of community that will remain in everyone's hearts. These festive activities certainly helped make Christmas a time of joy, learning and togetherness.