
Peer Education at Vittoria Junior: a commitment with educational value

High school students help little ones with school activities

In recent months, Upper Secondary School students have taken part in an exciting Peer Education project.

The initiative, part of the "Duke of Edinburgh's Award" activities, involves 1st and 2nd ICE (9th-10th grade) students volunteering in Victoria Junior's classrooms, offering valuable support to teachers in teaching workshops.

This activity sees the students coordinated by the Rachel's Learning Centre, Proud to deliver the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award.

Until Christmas, these high school youth, including some former Middle Junior students, will provide a weekly presence in Nursery, Primary and Lower Secondary classrooms. This project, designed as a Peer Education experience, promises to be of great educational value to both older and younger students.

Middle School Students Explore Vittoria High School.

As part of the program, middle school classes spent a morning at Vittoria High School to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a high school.

The younger children were coordinated by Vittoria High School students in activities such as reading newspapers and experiments in the science lab. 

Experiences of High School Volunteers at Victory Jr.

Here are some exciting experiences shared by high school children participating in the Peer Education program:

Eva Benadi: In my DofE volunteer work, I choose to assist the children of Vittoria Junior once a week. I perform activities such as organizing the children's homework, participating in their play activities and helping them with jackets and backpacks at the end of the school day.

Sofia Camatta: I help kindergarten children cut out drawings and paste them on a puzzle, as well as assist in putting on their shoes and coats.

These testimonies highlight the value of the Peer Education project, which goes far beyond traditional volunteering, offering students the opportunity to become active mentors and leave a positive imprint on the educational experiences of their young peers.

An initiative that fosters meaningful connections and makes a tangible contribution to the educational and social growth of Vittoria students.