Easter in Solidarity at Vittoria
We are pleased to share with you news that fills our hearts with joy and gratitude. Our school recently collaborated with the Paideia Foundation in a meaningful initiative during the Easter holidays.
Thanks to the generosity and support of parents, teachers and students, we were able to raise significant funds to support therapy hours for children with disabilities. It was a real success that showed how much we can achieve when we come together for an important cause.
The total raised was €1470 for the Junior section and €1820 for the High School. These numbers not only represent a sum of money, but symbolize a gesture of solidarity and support toward families who face daily challenges related to their children's disabilities.
Thanks to your donations, the Paideia Foundation will be able to offer not only therapy, but also free moments of fun to the families involved. These moments of joy and lightheartedness are crucial to the emotional well-being of all family members and to creating an environment of inclusion and mutual support.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to everyone who helped make this extraordinary achievement possible. Your commitment and generosity made possible a significant step toward building a more inclusive and supportive world.
Special thanks go to Silvia, Maria Vittoria, Gregorio, Pietro, and Professor Mamini for their extraordinary contribution and sensitivity.